HQ Visit Tailored VIP Creative Consultant Session
In-house HQ visit ( location within Sydney area )
'Tailored VIP Creative Direction' x 3hr face-to-face Session
We've been working together for at least 6 sessions, now it's time to level up and work hands-on your next collection.
This face-to-face session focuses on your next collection, we work on tailored key colours and key print themes, we plan out each look for each customer target. We work on your unique Range Plan and work through colour matching systems. We streamline the design process and create tailored solutions exclusively for your brand. In addition we can also think about merchandising for retail or online. Call out fee inclusive.
Bonus Gift: receive 10 x of our latest Trend Boards & Colour Forecasts for the season. Valued over $150 all inclusive.
Bonus Gift: priority service, unlimited email follow-up for 5 days after HQ visit. Valued over $500 all inclusive.
Bonus Gift: 30min follow up session call 1 week after to stay on track. Valued at $150
This session will suit high experience levels / established brands only.
Limited availability email us at maddie@thedigitalweaver.com to find a spot & book in.
Travel time cost included in price - estimated at max 2hrs two way trip.
For interstate & overseas travel please contact us directly.